Nature walks 2

Here are more pictures from our walks. This first set is from a walk we did around our land in the early spring.

IMG_1014This stream is from the melting snow up in the mountains and runs to the ocean. You can see by my daughters expression that she was surprised at how cold the water was.

IMG_1018IMG_1022Here are my daughters and stepson trying to figure out how to get the orange ball out for the water without getting wet.

IMG_1031My youngest daughter has always enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, like the soft, furry feel of this plant.

These photos are from an area called Myvatn.

SONY DSCSONY DSCWalking over lava fields can be hard work for little feet.

SONY DSCThese next photos are also from Myvatn. On this day we went on a walk to hunt for dragons.

SONY DSCSONY DSCHere are my daughters (in red) having no problem getting to the top of this.

SONY DSCPretending to fall.

Autumn walks


Here is Kaja making music by banging broken stones with a stick. We liked the different clattering sounds it made.


Kaja thinks this is Winnie the Poohs rock so we visit often to see if he is home


Hiding in the long grass


A forest area not far from our home in Hörgársveit


Finding log seats


Forest gymnastics

outdoor9 outdoor10 outdoor11

We found some interesting shaped trees on our walk


We really enjoyed these beautiful autumn colours


Elín resting after walking to the top of a hill

outdoor15Climbing rocks is always fun

We learned a lot this day about the changing seasons. A few weeks ago these trees were green and now they are orange, yellow and red. We explored the various trees and the different leaves and textures of tree bark. We looked at ice crystals that had formed on the tips of the leaves. And wondered how different the forest might look next month.